Best Free Apps to Learn New Languages



Globalization means knowing multiple languages is now a must. To understand the culture and language of a place you plan to visit or conduct business in, it’s wise to learn a new language. But, learning a language can be hard without help or the right resources.

Thankfully, the digital age has made it easier to learn languages than ever before. Here are some of the best free language-learning apps:

  • Do you want to talk to people from different countries? Nowadays, there are many free apps that make learning languages easy and convenient. Duolingo is one of the most popular. It has fun games and rewards that make learning enjoyable. Another good app is Memrise. It has user courses made with expert guidance and contributions from users.
  • Babbel is great at helping you develop conversational skills in the language you’re learning. Busuu offers more comprehensive lessons, from beginner level to conversations with native speakers all over the world.

Finally, remember to practice often when using these apps, or combine them with other sources like conversation exchange partners or private tutors. Learn a new language and show off more than just ordering food and drinks in different accents!

Top Free Language Learning Apps

To discover the best free language learning apps, check out this section on top free language learning apps. These apps will help you to master a new language without spending a penny. With this solution, you can experience the benefits of Duolingo, Babbel, Memrise, Lingodeer, Busuu, HelloTalk, and Drops.


Duolingo’s gamified experience makes language learning fun and entertaining. It provides a vast range of languages, including Welsh and Hawaiian. Learners progress through listening, speaking, reading, and writing exercises.

Plus, Duolingo adds cultural knowledge and quirky facts about the languages to keep you hooked.

Upgrade to Duolingo Plus for an ad-free experience, offline access, tracking tools and instant feedback.

Duolingo is an awesome way to start or brush up on a language. Its gamified format is enjoyable and there’s something for everyone to learn. Babbel is like having a multilingual genie in your pocket – minus the wish-granting!


This language-learning app uses advanced tech and interactive materials to make language-learning easy. It includes widely-spoken languages like Spanish, French, and Mandarin, as well as some less-known languages such as Danish and Indonesian. Its user-friendly interface, with personalized quizzes and pronunciation practice, makes it a great choice for learners of all levels.

Also, Babbel provides cultural context to help you understand the language better, and speech recognition features to ensure correct pronunciation.

Innovative features include the recently-added Augmented Reality (AR) feature. This immerses users in virtual worlds so they can hone their speaking skills in real-world settings.


Lingodeer is an amazing language-learning app! It has a unique approach – incorporating mnemonics and a fun, ‘gamified’ teaching method. You can access lessons covering a huge range of languages, all designed by native speakers. Plus, you can connect with other users to practice conversation skills.

What sets this app apart is its real-life video and audio content. This gives you a more immersive experience, so you can truly engage with the language you’re learning.

Business Insider UK listed Memrise as one of the best free apps for learning a language in 2021.

Finally, Lingodeer is here: an app that teaches you a language without making you feel overwhelmed.


Lingodeer is a language learning app! It specializes in teaching Asian languages like Chinese and Japanese. It uses visual, auditory, and repetitive learning techniques. Plus, its user-friendly interface has personalized progress tracking.

It also has phrasebook features. They help you master grammatical structures for everyday conversations. There’s a well-structured curriculum with motivating rewards. You can get badges and do interactive quizzes.

One last thing: it has an offline mode, so you can use it if you don’t have internet.

Fun Fact: The creators of Lingodeer are learners of Asian languages themselves! So who needs a teacher when you have Busuu? Get a personal language tutor without the small talk.


Busuu is a language learning app like no other! It has over 1000 expert-created lessons, providing interactive courses and personal feedback to improve pronunciation and vocabulary. Plus, users can practice with native speakers for a more immersive experience. Even better, you can access selected lessons offline!

Busuu has a large worldwide community, giving learners the chance to connect and take part in language exchange programs. It also provides certification upon completion of certain levels, which is recognized by educational institutions and employers alike.

TechRadar ranks Busuu as one of the best language learning apps available today. Skip the small talk and get speaking with native speakers with Busuu!


HelloTalk is a celebrated language-learning app that connects people all over the world who want to sharpen their language skills. It allows users to have peer-to-peer conversations and practice talking and writing in a foreign language with native speakers. Plus, it offers helpful tools like translation and transliteration.

Not only can you connect with people who are in the same boat as you, HelloTalk also provides customised language learning games and exercises to help learners focus on the words, phrases, and expressions they need when talking to native speakers.

This app has several communication options, including voice call, text message, and video call. There is also a correction system so users can correct each other’s mistakes and get feedback to improve their language proficiency.

Pro Tip: Use the correction feature actively to refine your verbal and written tasks with native speakers. Drops: Because learning a language should be more like playing a game and less like pulling teeth.


This language learning app stands out from the rest with its minimalist design, vibrant colors, and gamified approach. It utilizes a visual association technique to captivate learners’ attention. Each word is associated with an abstract illustration. When tapped, the user hears the pronunciation. A spaced repetition algorithm ensures long-term retention of vocabulary.

Drops provide over 40 languages, including endangered languages. It offers fun visuals and engaging gameplay. To get started with this app, use audio courses. Differentiate between active and passive listening skills. Regular practice is necessary for fluency. Learn a new language for free and afford therapy to cope with grammar intricacies.

Features and Benefits of Each App

To explore the features and benefits of the best free language learning apps, each app offers a different solution for learners. Duolingo’s game-like approach, Babbel’s conversational focus, Memrise’s emphasis on building vocabulary, Lingodeer’s comprehensive grammar instruction, Busuu’s community-based learning, HelloTalk’s language exchange program, and Drops’ fun and kindergarten-like experience – all of these sub-sections offer unique advantages for language learners.

Duolingo’s Game-Like Approach

Duolingo was made to be fun and captivating. It gives users a language learning experience. Points, levels, and social aspects are awarded to motivate users to practice.

Scientifically-proven methods are used to help learners remember. Speaking, listening, writing, and reading skills are developed through activities that copy real conversations.

Duolingo offers voice recognition for pronunciation practice and AI-powered exercises that fit the user’s level. Amazingly, Forbes says Duolingo is the most downloaded education app in the world!

Babbel’s Focus on Conversational Skills

Babbel is the language learning app that’s focused on developing conversational skills. Its curriculum starts small, with basics like greetings and simple phrases. Then it gradually introduces more complex topics like grammar and structures. Practice speaking, comprehension exercises, and writing challenges are all included. Plus, AI chatbot tutors give expert guidance and personalized feedback based on your proficiency level. Speech recognition tech and progress trackers make learning even easier.

Babbel’s unique approach emphasizes conversational style learning. Instead of isolated vocab or grammar rules, it emphasizes practical conversations. It’s constructed using research on natural speech patterns and emphasizes listening comprehension.

Babbel has a broad range of languages, like French, Spanish, German, and Mandarin. Plus, new content is regularly added. It’s also designed for personalization, so you can tailor your experience. Many satisfied users have praised its UX design and personalization features.

Memrise’s Emphasis on Vocabulary Building

Memrise is a direct, comprehensive language learning app with a prime focus on vocabulary proficiency. It offers several features to do this, such as:

  • Spaced repetition algorithms to aid memory retention.
  • Local dialects and expressions for native-sounding fluency.
  • Tailored content through community-created courses.
  • Engaging visuals to help visual learners.
  • Interactive games and quizzes.
  • Personalized daily goals.

Plus, Memrise is constantly updated with new content and algorithms, making it a top choice for vocabulary acquisition. It also has a ‘Difficult Words’ feature that helps users identify and prioritize their challenge areas. To get the most out of the app, use the community resources and stay committed to daily goals. Finally, an app that makes grammar less daunting than a DM from your ex!

Lingodeer’s Comprehensive Grammar Instruction

Lingodeer’s Extensive Lessons on Grammar!

Gain fluency in your target language with Lingodeer! This app offers in-depth and comprehensive grammar instructions. It provides detailed explanations of language rules, categorized by difficulty.

Plus, interactive exercises let you practice the language. Fill-in-the-blanks, translations and voice recognition tests help reinforce the grammar concepts.

The tracking feature identifies areas you need more practice. That way, you focus on your weaknesses and improve your overall fluency.

Want more? Lingodeer’s grammar instruction is like a textbook with a mobile interface. So, you can learn on-the-go. Join the language revolution by trying Lingodeer today!

Busuu’s Community-Based Learning

Learning with a community? That’s the basis of Busuu! It gives users access to native speakers, feedback, and a platform to collaborate.

Immersing themselves in real-life scenarios, users can activate their newly-acquired language skills. Busuu encourages interactions between learners worldwide, creating a dynamic and inclusive environment that promotes dialogue and cultural exchange.

Plus, Busuu’s resources library has lots of materials: grammar lessons, vocabulary exercises, and audio-visual stuff.

Fun fact: the app is named after a minority language from Cameroon and Nigeria – with only 8 fluent speakers left!

Finally, there’s a social network with useful stuff – no more scrolling through cat videos!

HelloTalk’s Language Exchange Program

Say “Hello” to HelloTalk! An interactive platform that helps you learn and practice foreign languages while connecting with native speakers.

It’s an easy-to-use social media-like interface, helping you find language partners from all over the world. And there’s plenty of features to help you out – chat, voice messages, video calls, translations, grammar corrections and more. Not to mention its unique Moments feature, where you can post updates about cultures and language skills – helping you link with others on similar topics.

Apart from language exchange, HelloTalk also lets you share photos, audio files and drawings via multimedia messaging. Unlike traditional classroom learning, you can learn at your own pace, anytime and anywhere.

So, get ready to start your language journey and download HelloTalk now! Who said learning a new language can’t be fun?

Drops’ Fun and Kindergarten-Like Experience

This app offers a fun and engaging learning experience, like kindergarten! Activities are enjoyable and stimulating, making a great environment to learn languages. There are colourful illustrations and audio cues that give interactive feedback, inspiring learners to remember.

Drops has a simple style, making it super easy to use – no interruptions or distractions! Its colourful graphics, clear interface and structured lessons help people practice and progress with vocabulary, grammar, syntax and pronunciation.

As you progress, Drops unlocks special features! Unlocking bonus material, like idiomatic expressions, gives extra motivation to learn.

Pro Tip: Make Drops part of your routine. Set aside dedicated time every day to use the app. This consistent practice can help you quickly become proficient in a new language. Find out what users really think about these apps, but be warned, not all reviews are created equal.

User Reviews and Ratings

The learners’ opinion matters when choosing the top free language learning apps. They are rated and curated based on users’ experiences. This helps identify quality apps for language learners who want to develop their language skills quickly.

These ratings are not random; they come from people who have used the app’s features and content. This gives valuable insight into how well the app teaches you a language, as well as how interactive, engaging, and fun it is.

Many apps offer real-world communication scenarios, vocabulary games, and speech recognition exercises. This can help language learners build their confidence in speaking a new language. Reviews and ratings can guide learners to suitable free mobile apps that suit their learning needs.

Stories of success with language learning apps prove how positive feedback from users can encourage potential app users to try something new. Reviews by other users can be a great resource to find new options for language learning.

These language learning apps are more compatible with your life than a needy ex. They are device and location independent.

Compatibility and Availability

To master a language, it’s important to think of the compatibility and availability of language learning apps. Check out the table below for some of the top free language learning apps.

App Name Compatibility Availability
Duolingo Android, iOS, Web 40 languages
Babbel Android, iOS, Web 14 languages
Memrise Android, iOS, Web 23 languages
Rosetta Stone Android, iOS 24 languages

Each app offers something different. For example, Duolingo focuses on games to help beginners. Babbel is great for intermediate learners. Memrise has multimedia options. Rosetta Stone has immersive lessons.

It’s incredible that you can learn a language with an app! Sarah Jessica Parker said she’s improved her Spanish speaking skills with an app more than taking classes. Go ahead and choose your app and get learning. Unless you’d rather speak in tongues!

Conclusion: Choosing the Best App Based on Your Learning Needs and Preferences

When it comes to picking a language learning app, your success depends on the right choice. To find the perfect one for you, consider your level, style, features, price, and community support. Additionally, look for an app with features that cater to various learning styles and levels, so you can learn at your own pace and convenience. Do your research and find the app that fits your needs and goals! Don’t hesitate, download your app today and start speaking a new language with confidence!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best free apps to learn new languages?

There are many great free language learning apps, including Duolingo, Memrise, Babbel, Busuu, Rosetta Stone, and Lingodeer.

Which app is the best for learning a new language?

The best app for learning a new language depends on your personal preferences and learning style. Duolingo is a great overall option, while Babbel is known for its focus on conversational skills and grammar. Memrise is best for learning vocabulary, and Lingodeer offers lessons in Asian languages.

Are free language learning apps effective?

Yes, free language learning apps can be very effective for building a foundation in a new language and practicing basic skills. However, they may not be as thorough as paid programs and may not offer as much personalized support.

Do you need to pay for language learning apps?

No, there are many free language learning apps available that provide a valuable learning experience. However, some paid apps offer more advanced lessons, personalized feedback, and additional features.

Can you really become fluent in a language using only an app?

While it is possible to learn a great deal from language learning apps, it is unlikely that you will become fully fluent in a language without engaging in real-life practice and immersion. Language apps can be a great starting point, but they should be supplemented with other forms of learning and practice.

How much time should you spend using a language learning app each day?

It is recommended to spend at least 30 minutes per day using a language learning app to see progress and retain information. However, the amount of time you spend may vary based on your learning goals and schedule.

Mike Samuels
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