Lisa Nichols Review My Verdict On Speak Inspire


Are you looking for inspiration and motivation to take your speaking skills to the next level? Then, Lisa Nichols’ “Speak & Inspire” program is definitely worth considering. With her unique approach of teaching how to craft and deliver compelling messages, Lisa’s program promises to help you create meaningful impact with your words. Get ready to find out if it lives up to its promise in this Lisa Nichols review.


Speak and Inspire by Lisa Nichols is a powerful book about the power of speaking your truth and inspiring others to do the same. It’s packed with stories, tips, exercises, and other tools that will help anyone to more effectively communicate in all areas of their life, from business to personal relationships. Through this review, I will be discussing the different aspects of the book, providing a verdict on its contents and efficacy.

The introduction kicks off the book by laying out its principles and objectives; it outlines what we can expect when we read further – that readers will learn how to take ownership of their story while inspiring others. It also talks about why communication matters so much in life and how we can use it as a tool for achieving things that are truly important. Additionally, it reflects on the importance of thinking before we speak so as not to limit or hinder ourselves in any way.

About Lisa Nichols

Lisa Nichols is an acclaimed speaker, New York Times bestselling author, and transformational leader. She is one of the few experts to reach 2 million people with a single message in 1 day when she was featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show. Since then, she has been featured on many shows like The Today Show, Super Soul Sunday and Dr. Phil.

Throughout her career, Lisa has inspired millions of people to achieve greatness in various areas of life such as in relationships, finances and career. Her enthusiasm for life and her ability to motivates audiences have helped them move past any limitations they have set for themselves in life. From Fortune 500 companies to everyday families seeking guidance, Lisa’s words have positively impacted the lives of many people.

Her books are also well-written tools that help readers truly improve their lives by understanding how they think and make decisions that will bring out the best version of themselves possible. In her book “Speak & Inspire” she speaks about how speaking up is often essential to leaving places better than we found it–even if that means speaking up against injustices or misrepresentations you may encounter in life experiences. Lisa encourages readers to practice courage before comfort while operating from your core values and passion so as not be silenced by anyone or anything, righteously stand up for what you believe in—and Speak & Inspire—in order carry out your mission or take an idea or project beyond what you thought was possible!

Overview of Speak & Inspire

Speak & Inspire is an online course developed by Lisa Nichols, author of 6 books and world famous motivational speaker. Since its launch in 2017, Speak & Inspire has become one of the most popular online courses for entrepreneurs, business professionals and leaders.

The course is divided over five modules that teach participants how to use public speaking to boost their confidence and become the thought leader in their field.

  • The Power of Storytelling dives into why speakers’ stories are important and provides tips for crafting an authentic narrative that resonates with your audience.
  • Taking Action – Working with Professional Speaking Teams participants learn about working with coaches to create an action plan for public speaking success.
  • Finding Your Voice teaches how different types of voices can create various impressions and how voice can be used to get the desired impact you want from your speech or pitch presentation.
  • Creating Content That Works, Lisa demonstrates advanced approaches for creating content that resonates with audiences; including downloading free eBooks, digital products and lecture packs that show different methods of scripting talks and delivering presentations in unique ways.
  • Speaking with Confidence includes lessons on overcoming fear, using humor when appropriate, connecting emotionally with audience members, managing nerves during a presentation as well as turning criticism into fuel for growth.

Overall Reach & Inspire is an engaging course covering all aspects of successful public speaking from getting started to beginning a professional speaking career. Participants who complete the lessons will master their storytelling skills while developing poise and gaining self-confidence through practical tips shared by Lisa herself.

My Experiences With Speak & Inspire

Recently, I had the opportunity to experience Lisa Nichols’ Speak & Inspire program. I was very impressed by what this program had to offer and decided to take it on. The program’s goal is to help people learn how to speak powerfully with clarity regardless of what platform they are on or the audience they’re speaking in front of.

The program covers all the topics related to speak and inspire. From the fundamentals of effective communication, helping you identify your audience, understanding their needs and knowing how best to tailor and package your message for maximum engagement; through more advanced tactics like impromptu speaking, conquering fear of public speaking, harnessing body language and connecting with people through stories.

The course is broken down into 6 modules namely; Message Mastery, Storytelling Powerhouse, Communicate with Charisma (persuasion & influence), presentation mastery, Fearless speaker and Transformational Leadership which enables you Leverage Your Brand In A Profitable Way. Each module is designed perfectly and builds on from each other. It also comes with a library filled with online resources such as lesson outlines slides etc., which can help further reinforce your learning within that particular module as well as mentor support for six weeks so you can have accountability on reaching your objectives in a timely fashion.

Overall the program has given me more assurance and confidence in my speaking ability regardless of whether it be virtual or physical environment especially after having completed each module thoroughly. Also due to the structures provided , I am now able to deliver impactful yet concise messages in order capture attention while still being effective amongst my audience or peers which allows me leave lasting impressions.

Benefits of Speak & Inspire

Speak & Inspire by Lisa Nichols is an audio coaching program that offers powerful exercises and techniques to help you craft and deliver powerful, persuasive messages. It offers practical guidance to help you gain confidence in your ability to communicate clearly and effectively, no matter the setting or audience.

This program promises that if you follow its advice you will be able to develop a commanding presence and master the art of public speaking. It provides step-by-step instructions on:

  • Breathing
  • Posture
  • Vocal delivery
  • Pacing
  • Delivery of facts and figures

as well as valuable tips for conquering your stage fright.

It also provides expert instruction on connecting with audiences through stories, creating metaphors and using language to motivate your listeners. Additionally, it details methods for delivering speeches that emphasize voice pauses that are contextualized by visuals and slides. Finally, it helps users learn how to answer difficult questions honestly while remaining authentically “on message” at all times.

Overall Speak & Inspire sincerely provides expert evidence-based advice on how to become an effective communicator in any situation or setting. It promises tangible results with real-world applications that can help significantly improve one’s public speaking capabilities in a reasonable amount of time with dedication and regular practice!

Challenges Faced With Speak & Inspire

Speak & Inspire by Lisa Nichols is touted as “Your Road Map to Enlightenment.” As a self-help book, it has the potential to empower readers seeking greater clarity and direction in their lives. However, with such high expectations comes the challenge of effectively galvanizing readers in order to bring about real, lasting changes.

One of the main impediments to achieving true transformation that lies within Speak & Inspire is its potential for failure due to complacency. Often when people attempt self-improvement without a clear plan in place or measurable goals to strive for, they find themselves falling back into old patterns and habits that are seemingly impossible to break. To this end, Nichols provides readers with practical advice and exercises designed to provide the structure necessary for successful self-improvement.

Another hurdle Speak & Inspire confronts is resistance from those who do not believe such change is possible or even desirable. People may find themselves convinced that past habits, particularly those related to emotional issues and traumatic experiences, cannot be broken or changed no matter how hard they try. To counter this widespread pessimism, Nichols offers thoughtful instruction on discovering inner strength, tangible techniques for harnessing newfound power and an emphasis on celebrating successes all along their journey of change—all encouraging messages throughout the book that repeatedly remind readers that anything is possible with patience and dedication.

Overall, through its insightful guidance and motivating rhetoric, Speak & Inspire does an admirable job of providing essential tools for courageous transformation required for lasting personal growth—yet it still faces formidable challenges along its path towards enlightenment.

My Final Verdict

After reviewing Lisa Nichols’ Speak and Inspire program, I can confidently say that it offers powerful tutelage for those interested in honing their public speaking skills. The content is rich with proven principles tailored towards building an effective communication style that engages an audience.

Through the program’s four-part system, participants acquire new knowledge around storytelling and persuasion while being exposed to strategies of implementing tactics during actual public engagements. In addition, the worksheets, resources and exercises enable the learnings of each lesson to be effectively applied.

Overall, Speak & Inspire offers a unique opportunity to get expert insights into crafting effective messages and building a successful presence as a speaker. I would recommend this program to anyone who is passionate about becoming more autonomous behind the microphone and amplifying their proverbial “voice” on stage.


My overall verdict of Lisa Nichols’ “Speak by Inspire” program is that it is an effective tool for helping individuals become better communicators and powerful speakers. The program is comprehensive and thorough, delivering real world techniques that can be applied in everyday speaking scenarios. The Speak Up Package comes with comprehensive materials covering a variety of topics related to speaking and public speaking, including persuasive language. It also includes games, exercises and worksheets which are great for making sure that users gain the skills needed to be not only better speakers but also more effective communicators. Additionally, the online community provides a safe place for members to network, exchange ideas and get constructive feedback from each other.

Overall, I believe this is an effective product which could help almost any kind of speaker improve their performance in speech-based scenarios. From the beginner who needs help with basic parameters of delivering presentations such as sound structure to the advanced speaker looking for pointers on how to perfect their delivery style; all levels of experience will benefit from this great educational program produced by Lisa Nichols.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is Lisa Nichols a credible source?

A: Yes, Lisa Nichols is a credible source. She is an internationally acclaimed motivational speaker and New York Times best-selling author who has been featured in media outlets such as “The Oprah Winfrey Show” and “The Today Show.”

Q: What are people saying about Lisa Nichols’ Speak & Inspire program?

A: People who have attended Lisa Nichols’ Speak & Inspire program have reported improved communication skills and increased confidence. Many have also said that they were inspired to take action and create positive change in their lives.

Q: What topics does Lisa Nichols cover in Speak & Inspire?

A: Lisa Nichols covers a wide range of topics in her Speak & Inspire program including public speaking, storytelling, personal branding, and goal setting. She also provides practical tools and tips to help participants reach their desired outcomes.

Mike Samuels
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